Welcome to the ITS Application library!

This document library was seeded using the content from the ITS Application wiki that is/was in Sharepoint at https://intranet.uillinois.edu/departments/its/ITS%20Apps/Home.aspx

The short URL for this page is: https://go.uis.edu/its_apps

Migrating Existing Content

In Sharepoint (SP), a wiki-page(s) (and the link to it) are automatically defined using a notation of [[xx]] (some entries below will still have this notation - until they're converted over).

Each application repo in the [uisits] github site, should (eventually) have an entry below - defined in the [wiki] for that repo. See the [Parking] app entry below as a reference. Wiki content for a repo is stored in Markdown (md) format.

You can easily migrate/port over the SP content (html) by pasting the source into an HTML-to-Markdown converter (e.g., Browserling), and then pasting the converted result into the wiki (for the given repo).

Once the app is migrated over, the reference to it in SP should be marked as: "Moved to GitHub"

Other Content - Not in GitHub

Some applications managed by ITS are not yet in GitHub, or may never be (e.g., CollegiateLink a SAS offering). To support such apps, a folder has been created [other], where the app-name in the list below is the base name for the HTML file. E.g., see [CollegiateLink] below, and it's corresponding file in [other/CollegiateLink.html].

[[AD Account Deprovisioning]] - AD Account Deprovisioning;

[[Admissions Schedule]] - (NOW LEGACY) Conference room scheduling (ITS);



[[Archon]] - Library archiving system;

[[Artifax]] - Installation, and database;

[[AWSTATS-ows]] [[Blackboard]] - Blackboard documentation for Tomcat configuration, BB4ALL, retrieval of courses, synching course id, backup configuration, and start of semester procedure;

[[Campus Announcements]] -Application for collecting announcements, vetting and sending out to entire campus;

[[Campus Senate Elections]] - Election application used to vote for Campus Senate


[[CDM]] - Common Data Model


[[CLAS Chair Evaluation survey]] - Application used to survey Chairs of departments in Liberal Arts and Science College

[[CPLPC|Campus Level Personnel Committee Elections]] - Election application used to vote for Campus Level Level Personnel Committee.

CollegiateLink - A CampusLabs product that Students use to keep track of their Campus actrivities.


[[Contact Numbers|Contact Number by Application]]

[[Contribute|Contribute (going away)]]

[[Cost Study]] - Application used to perform cost benefit analysis of course offerings;

[[Course Evaluations]] - Application used to evaluate instructors of courses (by students);

[[CDDR|Cyber Defense and Disaster Recovery (CDDR)]] - Annual security conference hosted at UIS;

[[DeptDB|Department Database Framework]] - used for sharing common data objects to dept's outside of ITS;

[[Deploying Websites]]

[[Directory|Directory Lookup]]

[[Directory Webapp]]​

[[DirectoryUpdRpt|Directory Update Report]] [[Documentation Websites|Documentation - Visual Studio Websites]]​

Daynamic Course Catalog is documented in [General Education Course List];

[[Early Warning]]

[[eDocs]] - Cloud storage offering (being decommissioned - do not use);

[[Enrollment Tracking]]

[[Flash Media Server]]

[[General Education Course List|Gen. Education Course List (Dynamic)]] - Job that provides general education courselist by semester as well as dynamic course list

[[Girl Tech]] - Annual conference hosted at UIS targeting adolescent women to encourage them to get into a technology occupation;

[[Housing Export]] - Job that exports data to Campus Housing/Resident Life


[[Illiad - Library]]


[[Linux]] - Linux servers for AD authentication, update process, deployment;

KennectedCAD (Police) - Decommissioned

[[Magtek Scanner]]

[[Maxient]] - Student Disciplinary system used by Student Services

[[MediCat|MediCat (formerly Mediease)]] - Student immunization record tracking application;

[[Moodle]] - Opensource LMS;

[[MSDNAA WebStore]]


[[OdysseyHMS]] - Student Housing application used by Student Services

[[Online Evaluation]]

Wiki can be found under the repository's wiki here

[[Online Supplement Evaluation]] - Alternate application to evaluate course/instructor. Depends on instructor's interest

Parking - Parking Permit issuance app;


[[Payable Feeder|Payable Feed for Utilities Payments]]

[[Roompact]] - Housing system for matching up roommates

[[Schedule|Schedule (Brian Clevenger or Ann Graffagna)]] - Application/Job that updates Semester Textbook and Planner information, Part of Class Schedule

[[Schedulehist|Schedulehist ]] - Application/Job that updates Semester Textbook and Planner information, Part of Class Schedule

[[Scholarship]] - Application for students to submit for scholarship

[[SGA|SGA Elections]] - Student Government Association election application;

[[Shibboleth-IdP]] - Application for unifying authentication scheme across applications and with external organizations;

[[Sliding Semester Window]] - Scheme used to move from one semester to the next in an automatic way based upon today's date;​

[[Starfish]] - Starfish - Students' advising software

[[STUINS|Student Insurance (STUINS)]] - Notification app of students needing add/dropped for Student Insurance;

[[Symplicity| Symplicity (data feed)]] - Job that provides student data to Career Services

[[SystemStatus|System Status]] - AITS web page for cross campus status information;

Submission Manager - for Literary Journal sumbissions

[[Titanium|Titanium (schedule)]]

[[UISacad]] - for CSC/MIS Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Oracle, Tomcat, CGI, Perl server;

utils - https://github.com/uisits/utils/wiki

[[WebStore]] - Webstore job and App


[[WordPress|WordPress (www)]] -UIS/Web Services's servers' configuration, diagram;
